Supercharge your leadership

Coaching, courses and resources to help busy managers reclaim their time and be exceptional leaders

 Reclaim your time

 Empower your team

 Supercharge your results

Leading a team nowadays can be hard work

Your to-do list is never-ending

There is so much to do and not enough time to do it. You find yourself stuck in too many meetings, and it feels like your time is not your own.

The old way of doing things doesn't work

Remote work makes leading and collaboration difficult, and your team's expectations have changed. You know there has to be a better way, but are not sure where to start.

Sometimes you feel 
like you on your own

Your team is looking to you for answers. You're not always sure if your voice is heard. You would love more training and support to help you.

The world of work is changing fast. Leading your team while navigating the workplace is more complex than ever, yet your career success depends on it.

3 Different ways I can help you

Discover fast, effective resources, courses, and coaching to reclaim your time, develop exceptional leadership skills and become the leader you want to be.


The Leadership Accelerator Newsletter

Every Friday, you will get 1 actionable tip on how to lead a high-performing team. Discover how 10 minutes a week can step change your leadership impact. 


Manager OS Course: Systems to save you time

This self-paced course shows you how to set up effective manager systems that help you reclaim your time and supercharge your results. 

LEADER'S LAB:  Group Leadership Programme

My 3-6 month group coaching programme is for experienced managers looking to step change their leadership impact.

Meet your guide...


Welcome! I help busy and ambitious managers reclaim their time and develop the skills and confidence they need to take their leadership to the next level. As a leadership coach and former corporate leader, I know the strategies and skills proven to get better results, save you time, increase your influence and impact, and help you be the leader you want to be.

These valuable skills can make a huge difference and create a high-performance environment. When people lead well, they create brilliant workplaces and achieve amazing results for themselves, their teams and their organisations.

- Helen Bryant 
Connect with me...

"Pragmatic, interactive learning that develops the essential management, leadership and collaboration skills people need to thrive in their workplace."
- Thea Alexander, Founder & CEO, YF (formerly Young Foodies)

Delivering 1 High Impact Leadership Lesson Every Friday

Subscribe to my weekly Leadership Accelerator Newsletter and discover how just 10 minutes a week can step-change your leadership impact.

Advice, actionable lessons and tips for ambitious managers on reclaiming their time and leading a high-performing team. 

    What my clients have to say about me
    & my programmes

    Having Helen as my business coach has been a total game-changer for my career. Right from our first meeting, I've derived immense value from our time together.
    shani higgs
    I loved Helen and her style and knowledge and would love to get the chance to learn from her again! Cheers!
    Corporate Client
    I would definitely recommend Helen's leadership courses. You will not be disappointed in the knowledge you gain from her.
    Greta McDonald
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